Depression is something that many people experience during their lifetime. For some, its something that they’ve experienced come and go, and for others, it is something that seems to always be around.

Many people say “well my mom had it” or “people in my family have had it” and think that this somehow pre-destines them to having depression. The good news is that it doesn’t have to determine your destiny. There are many things that can be done to prevent and alleviate depression.

Did you know…

Depression can be broken down into Behavioral Depression & Clinical Depression?

Most people actually have Behavioral Depression versus Clinical Depression?

There is far more than medicine that is effective for treating and alleviating both behavioral and clinical depression?


Here at More to Life Counseling, we have over 20 years experience in helping people alleviate the depression they experience. Call us today to set up an appointment and begin your journey to living a life free of depression.